Thursday, August 21, 2008


so dude i was totally watching America's Next Top Model before i went to work today.

wow where do i start?!

so this show is where "most awesomest" is considered correct grammar, and the biggest threat being thrown around is "touch me one more time i'll sue you!"

but by far the best today was the girl who one day will be "completely blind."

These dudettes totally had to model down a runway in a dark club or something. The blind chick said she was worried because she is legally blind during the day and "pretty much" totally blind at night. She wanted a sneak peak at the runway in fear of biffing it i guess. They wouldn't let her though because that would be like totally not fair to the other chicks. So she's like tweaking out right? but finally chills out when she gets out there and WOAH! Thank Goodness! ... There's glitter on the runway!!!

wow... since when does glitter help you see better? i don't stinkin know! i was thinking maybe you can see because of the random lights shining on the runway... but hey it makes more sense that the glitter would help her see right!?
So yeah needless to say ... she wasn't even the one to fall.
Some dumb chick named Brittany or something (no family reference here) totally tripped over nothing of course and biffed it. And she totally couldn't believe it! she LOVES runway and her worst nightmare is falling on the runway!
and i thought OH-MY-GOOSHY-GOODNESS! That's like totally my worst nightmare too!!!
............................................... did i mention i'm kind of sarcastic???

p.s._ babette ate oatmeal

~Gilmore Girls

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Noah's Ark

Ok first of all, I don't even know if there is an apostrophe in Noah's Ark on the sign dude. I just figured that's the correct grammar so it better be there.

Anyways, yeah! Today we went to Noah's Ark as a youth group right? Right.
So it was AWESOMELY fun and well I went in the wave pool and the lazy river. Yeah so I'm a little scared of water rides, and pools, and anything to do with water besides showers and drinking it. But I will have you know that the lazy river wasn't JUST a lazy river. It was the Adventure River ok? So give me a little credit there people.

But um yeah... It took me like 10 minutes to finally go under the water in the wave pool BECAUSE there are like little children everywhere (as opposed to big children I guess? although there were some of those). Anyway, I figured if I went under and they didn't see me, one could totally like sit on me in the water and my head would slam the bottom of the pool floor(as opposed to the top pool floor? wow I'm on a roll) and I would totally drown and never come up!
The Justin (Brittany's boyfriend for those who don't know) told me that would be highly unlikely... except with way more sarcasm and attitude. But still yo! It's a possibility.

So just thought I'd share my fear of water and anything to do with it besides showering and drinking it.

p.s._ Oy with the poodles already!

-Gilmore Girls