Sunday, September 14, 2008


well seeing as its pretty much looking pretty fallish outside i thought i'd totally post a fallish post!!!

Ahh, wonderful fall. Its gets super chilly outside which i dont fully enjoy when i have to wake up at 4:30 on saturdays and work, when all the other NORMAL people in the world are sleeping. Anyways, yea super chilly!!! But then one word comes to mind and i am eternally grateful...


So of course , my mother has put all her beautiful fall decor out, up, down, around, and any other which way. She placed a couple SUPERDUPER tiny pumpkins out on the table. My brother didn't think they were real and proceeded knocking one on the side of the table.
Mommy yelled.
Brock just justified himself by saying thats how you see if they are hollow?
they weren't.

Anyways, these pumpkins totally reminded me of when i worked at the ranch last fall! It reminded me of our wonderful, quality, and down right plentiful pumpkin patch. Yupp just sniff the sarcasm people.

The boss would come out and let us know someone called in for the wagon ride and pumpkin patch.
We'd then proceed to take the boss's big truck and trailor and fill it with pumpkins big and small.
Then, we drive them out to a giant weed patch.
We'd continue to unload them and put them in random spots and really try to spread them out so "they looked like they actually grew out there."

This memory gave me the giggles:D then mommy said post it on your blog!
so .....

I did.

p.s._ here's a tip...don't sit on any cold benches

-Gilmore Girls


Unknown said...

Jessie, I love your posts. I miss you lots!

-Brooke S.

mrswilly said...

hey you have been tagged....check my blog to know what to do now! mom