Monday, June 23, 2008


SETTING: Watching Camp Rock in the living room.

: Doesn't Joe Jonas remind you of Uncle Jesse on Full House?

MOM: No, he does remind me of someone though. I can't figure it out.

ME: My future husband maybe???

joe jonas


Shainerz said...

May I be invited to the wedding?

Jenni said...

That's awesome. So, in the hotel the first night of my family's trip (Saturday), I totally started freaking out when I was just watching ABC and out of no where the Jonas Brother's came on and said that Camp Rock was on next. I thought I wasn't gonna be able to watch it cuz i thought it was gonna be on next Saturday and I thought it was only gonna be on the Disney Channel, but I guess not lol. I made my family watch it, it was fun.

that's so exciting about your wedding, lol. Can I be invited as well?

Jenni said...

Oh yeah, and YAY!! You are back in the blogging world. Time to change my link on my blog page :D :D :D.

tootles! :)